Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring Communion to the homebound on Sundays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass and during the week at a designated time.
Family members may also bring Communion to a homebound loved one if desired. A Pyx container and brief orientation will be provided.
Please contact the office at 249-6651.
Our eastside parishes share ministry to Catholics in facilities on the east and northeast areas of Madison. St. Peter volunteer ministers bring Communion to parishioners and other Catholics at Eden Vista on Wheeler Road on Sundays.
Please contact the office at 249-6651 if interested in serving in this ministry.
This special ministry provides visits to parishioners who reside in nursing homes or other care facilities. Pastoral staff and parish visitors provide a special continuing link to St. Peter’s for our more fragile parishioners. We welcome phone calls or other notice when parish members move to a care facility so that we can continue our support to them.
Please contact the office at 608-249--6651
Respite Care Ministry volunteers are available to visit with a homebound loved one enabling a caregiver time to run errands, go to doctors' appointments, attend Mass, or just take a break. Volunteers do not administer medications, provide physical care, or do housework. All volunteers are screened and trained. All information is held in confidence. Respite has served people with Alzheimer's, ALS, joint replacement, and other challenging health conditions.
Please call Mary Lang 608-249-5684.
Parish visitors and/or pastoral staff visit parishioners hospitalized at either St. Mary’s or Meriter each week. It is important to list St. Peter’s as your parish upon admission to the hospitals to receive a visit. If you are or will be hospitalized at UW Hospital, please inform Fr. Grant or call the parish office so that we can visit. Phone calls informing us of hospitalizations of our parish members are always appreciated.
Please call the office at 608-249-6651.